Payback Version 2019.13

New Features

  • Digital certificate password fields in both the Revenue>Digital cert and Bureau screens are now obscured with * symbols

Bug Fixes

  • New RPN screen success box was badly positioned.

Payback Version 2019.12

Bug Fixes

  • Missing or blank Employment IDs imported from Revenue are now defaulted to 0
  • PPSNs with two letters incorrectly flagged as incorrect for New RPN import

Payback Version 2019.11

New Features

  • RPN screen now has Matched, New and Partial status for each employee to make importing easier
  • Descriptive text on the RPN screen
  • RPNs are now matched on PPSN and Employment ID
  • Leavers that are not due a payment are now included on the next PSR

Bug Fixes

  • Summary figures in the Summary tab of the submission screen were sometimes not matching due to rounding.

Payback Version 2019.10

New Features

  • Facility for sub-users to enter a TAIN for their sub-user certificate
  • Resubmit button removed from the Submission screen. The submit button now replaces any previous submissions doing away with the need for a re-submit button

Bug Fixes

  • Delete button not deleting submissions for users with a TAIN
  • Submission Summary retrieve button not working for TAIN users
  • TAINs always submitted as upper case
  • If a pay date is the same for two payment frequencies, employees can be duplicated across submissions.

Payback Version 2019.09

New Features

  • New RPN Request. Request new RPNs directly through Payback, in the Tax tax of the Employee screen.
  • Lookup RPN Error handling improved. Errors are now reported rather than providing the Revenue Server XML response.

Bug Fixes

  • Handshake Check no longer crashes if there are is a problem with the digital certificate.
  • P35 format fix.

Payback Version 2019.08

New Features

  • Revenue have increased timestamp again. Payback now uses a window of 89 minutes
  • New feature to refresh the submission log for submissions that were pending. Refresh button.

Payback Version 2019.07

New Features

  • Employees who do not have a PPS Number, EmployeePPSN no longer returned for PSR
  • Spaces automatically trimmed off the end of PPS Numbers for PSR
  • Spaces automatically trimmed off the end of Employer Number in PSR
  • New Handshake facility to confirm communication with the Revenue server
  • Increase timestamp to 59 seconds

Payback Version 2019.06

New Features

  • Check button in Revenue>Digital Cert screen. Runs a series of diagnostics to fix problems

Bug Fixes

  • Check old digital certificate file exists before deleting it.

Payback Version 2019.05

Bug Fixes

  • XML tab in Submit screen was not showing full submission text. 
  • Envelope in Calendar not always turning green on successful submission
  • Payroll run reference added to XML tab text
  • XML header text for XML tab

New Features

  • Year drop downs for RPN and Payroll Submission screens restricted for dates in 2019.
  • Digital Certificate screen hints notice about synchronising Windows system clock
  • P35 for 2018 

Payback Version 2019.04

Bug fixes

  • Email p60s. For some users an error message appears about not being able to connect to the server.
  • P35/P60 year to date figures for EE PRSIable erroniously being added on from old system figures.
  • Replace digital cert now deletes the old file

Payback Version 2019.03

New Features

  • Year drop downs for RPN and Payroll Submission screens restricted for dates in 2019.
  • Digital Certificate screen hints notice about synchronising Windows system clock
  • P35 for 2018 

Payback Version 2019.02

(Second Pre-release version)

New Features

Bureau facility
New bureau screen to allow Agents to use TAIN digital certificates


Payback Version 2019.01

(Pre-release version)

New Features

PAYE Modernisaton
Our first PAYE Modernisation version

Budget Changes

There were no PAYE changes for 2019 in the Budget. All PAYE rates stay the same.

Employer contributions for Class A and Class H have increased by 0.1% Employer and Employee contributions for all other classes stay the same.

The upper threshold for paying the 8.7% Class A rate of employer’s PRSI increases from €376 to €386
a week.


New USC Rates can be found here:

The standard rates of Universal Social Charge are:
2015 Rate 2016 Rate 2017 Rate 2018 Rate 2019 Rate
On the first €12,012 1.5% On the first €12,012 1% On the first €12,012 0.5% On the first €12,012 0.5% On the first €12,012 0.5%
On the next €5,564 3.5% On the next €6,656 3% On the next €6,760 2.5% On the next €7,360 2% On the next €7,862 2%
On the next €52,468 7% On the next €51,376 5.5% On the next €51,272 5% On the next €50,672 4.75% On the next €50,170 4.5%
On the balance 8% On the balance 8% On the balance 8% On the balance 8% On the balance 8%


The Reduced rates of Universal Social Charge are:
2011 & 2012 2013 & 2014 2015 2016 2017

2018 & 2019

Individual aged 70 years or over. Individuals aged 70 years or over whose aggregate income for the year is €60,000 or less. Individuals aged 70 years or over whose aggregate income for the year is €60,000 or less. Individuals aged 70 years or over whose aggregate income for the year is €60,000 or less. Individuals aged 70 years or over whose aggregate income for the year is €60,000 or less. Individuals aged 70 years or over whose aggregate income for the year is €60,000 or less.
Individuals who hold a full medical card (regardless of age). Individuals (aged under 70) who hold a full medical card whose aggregate income for the year is €60,000 or less. Individuals (aged under 70) who hold a full medical card whose aggregate income for the year is €60,000 or less. Individuals (aged under 70) who hold a full medical card whose aggregate income for the year is €60,000 or less. Individuals (aged under 70) who hold a full medical card whose aggregate income for the year is €60,000 or less. Individuals (aged under 70) who hold a full medical card whose aggregate income for the year is €60,000 or less.
2% - on the first €10,036 2% - on the first €10,036 1.5% - on the first €12,012 1% - on the first €12,012 0.5% - on the first €12,012 0.5% - on the first €12,012
The 4% rate applies to all income over €10,036 The 4% rate applies to all income over €10,036 The 3.5% rate applies to all income over €12,012 The 3% rate applies to all income over €12,012 The 2.5% rate applies to all income over €12,012 The 2% rate applies to all income over €12,012

Emergency Tax

From 1 Jan 2019, emergency tax has changed.

Employees on emergency tax with a PPS Number will no longer receive any tax credits. They will also only get 4 weeks or one month of standard rate cut off point. This is a much more severe regime that has been introduced.